The European Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development is an organisation of graduates and students at the Warsaw School of Economics, which operates effectively at the interface between education and business. Our aim is to foster the development of young people and to shape entrepreneurial attitudes at local, national and international level. We show the true colors of entrepreneurship and strengthen the connections between science and business practice. The Foundation’s flagship initiative is the High School Business Challenge competition.
Stanisław Budzeń
Member of the Supervisory Board
Julian Smółka
Member of the Supervisory Board
Jan Żelazny
Finance manager
Karol Muc
International High School Business Challenge Coordinator
Julia Mituta
International High School Business Challenge Vice-coordinator
Hanna Sykuła
Marketing Manager
Weronika Wilk
CP Manager
Zuzanna Nowakowska
PR Manager
Ewa Skorupa
Logistics Manager
Paweł Abramowicz
Content Manager
The most recognizable organization, whose members are like family to each other.
The Students’ Business Club from the Warsaw School of Economics is an organization that brings together ambitious students from economic universities in Poland. Members of SKN Biznesu organize projects addressed to young people from both Poland and Europe.
The incredible engagement and above-average creativity allowed to create projects presenting the start-up environment, the banking sector, the world of investments or modern healthcare industries. One of the projects is a European case study competition, which encourages high school students to become interested in business. Work on the projects is combined with many workshops and opportunities to build relationships between the Club members. The above things make SKN Biznesu one of the most recognizable organizations, whose members are like family.
Julia Mituta
PL Country Coordinator
Hanna Sykuła
PL Marketing Team Leader
Weronika Wilk
PL CP Team Leader
Zuzanna Nowakowska
PL PR Team Leader
Ewa Skorupa
PL Logistics Team Leader
Paweł Abramowicz
PL Content Team Leader
The Faculty of International Relations (FIR) is one of the largest faculties at the University of Economics, Prague. The key distinctive feature of FIR is high level of internationalization at all stages with strong emphasis on language knowledge of students.
SKOK is a student nonprofit organization SKOK was established in 2014 by a group of friends studying their master at Faculty of International Relations at University of Economics. The main aim of the organization is to connect not only the members of SKOK but also students from other faculties with outside business world. We organize workshops focused on broadening soft skills as well as all kinds of debates. Furthermore, SKOK annually participates in the creation of Global Competitiveness Yearbook published by World Economic Forum since the beginning of the association.
Toporcerová Ivana
CZ Country Coordinator
Tereza Kaczorová
CZ Marketing Team Leader
Anna Vysloužilová
CZ CP/PR Team Leader
Pavla Bačinová
CZ Logistics Team Leader
Lucie Pokorná
CZ Content Team Leader
Central Europe Association is a student organization accredited at the Corvinus University of Budapest, and was founded back in 2016. Our profile implies that our declared goal is to strengthen Central European political, economic, social and cultural relations, as well as to look at the current international events from a regional perspective. The mission of the organization is to provide professional and competitive education at the fields of foreign affairs analysis and foreign policy journalism to its members, as well as to broaden their horizons at its events, debates, courses and professional field trips.
Erik Szilárd Boros
HU Country Coordinator
Orsi Dalma Gál
HU Marketing Team Leader
Márton Kocsárdi
HU CP/PR Team Leader
Lili Sólyom
HU Logistics Team Leader
Študentský parlament NHF (The Student Parliament NHF) is the highest representative body of the university students, which aims to represent the interest of all students at the university, provide non-formal education and participate in creating suitable conditions for the development of student life. Študentský parlament NHF (The Student Parliament NHF) can be contacted by students who search for answers regarding their studies at the university.
Sofia Šillerová
SK Country Coordinator
Gabriela Funtálová
SK Logistics Team Leader
Mária Palacková
SK CP/PR Team Leader
Filip Gono
SK Marketing Team Leader