We have successfully completed the first stage of this year’s edition of the High School Business Challenge.
Teams from 4 countries, i.e. Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Czech Republic faced 25 tasks from the world of business.
We would like to thank all the participants for your involvement in solving the tasks. We hope that you liked them and you learned a lot from them 🙂
Now, the moment each of you has been waiting for! We would like to announce the best teams, which will go to the Provincial Stage:
POLAND | ||||
Region Warszawa: | Region Wrocław: | Region Poznań: | Region Gdańsk: | Region Kraków: |
1. Poland Mountain 2. w zimnej wodzie company 3. Kaizen Valore 4. 3 Business Brothers 5. Economic beauties 6. Biznes po koleżeńsku 7. Delta Squadron |
1. Mafia Vatowska 2. Lehman brothers and sister 3. Przedwczoraj nadejdzie pojutrze 4. Business Angels 5. B&C |
1. The Wolves 2. Eko-masters 3. Bullie$ 4. WMS 5. Czwórka |
1. Medallion 2. Varh’he 3. Piątkowicze 4. Atareadas 5. Trailer Park Boys |
1. Szach Mat 2. VTurbo 3. Divinae 4. WeDoItForCash 5. Path-breaking brokers |
Region Brno | Region Ostrava | Region Praha |
1. Tisk-rakers 2. Lorem ipsum 3. Na názvu jsme se neshodli 4. Eddieho parťáci 5. Aleny a Karel |
1. Front office 2. J.A.M 3. Vygrachanci 4. Invicta 5. Osmičky |
1. Képa 2. Optimates 3. OA Dušní 4. CzechMate 5. Business Kuřátka |
Region Bratislava | Region Košice |
1. GBAS Flexers C.B. 2. Martím 3. Gabnómovia 4. GBASáčence 5. Rakeťáci |
1. GJGT 2. Think&score 3. Le bois 4. Russia already told us the answers 5. Berskhire Hathaway |
Region Budapest* | Region Debrecen | Region GYŐR |
1. Radnoti Business 2. BusinessClass 3. Visegrád Group 4. Ranger 5. Mesterelme 6. Money, must be funny 7. Milestone Juniors 8. Warrin Buffet 9. Tőzsdecápák 10. Motoko |
1. Forradalmi Földes Gárda 2. PDB 3. Business Casual 4. VIP Agency 5. Cardi B – Money |
1. Bull’s Club 2. MCC különítmény 3. Fallen Angel 4. A carry intel és egyéb lolos szavak, amiket ismerek 5. Business guys |
Congratulations to the winners and all the participants and we are glad that you took our business challenge. We hope that this is just the beginning of your business journey and maybe we will meet in a future edition of High School Business Challenge 🙂
1. BCD
2. AC
3. AB
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. D
8. AB
9. AC
10. ABD
11. BD
12. D
13. AD
15. A
16. BCD
17. A
18. A
19. C
20. BCD
21. ABC
22. C
23. D
24. CD
25. B
Once again, congratulations to the winning teams and see you in the second stage.
*According to the great amount of registration and high scores in the Budapest region, in order to secure the fairness and proportionality of the competition, the Organiser decided to increase the number of qualifiers from 5 (say: five) to 10 (say: 10 teams), according to the 2. § 3. and 5. § 5. sections of the Terms & Conditions